(Latin: mendicare, to beg; a beggar; an infirm, wretched, miserable person)
In the United States, police who arrest beggars and homeless people: In many large cities around the world, mendicancy squads are busy keeping beggars from bothering their citizens.
1. A member of a religious order; such as, the Franciscans, Dominicans, Carmelites, or Augustinians that forbids the ownership of property and encourages working, or begging, for a living: As a member of a religious group, Brother Gabriel is now a mendicant who relies on the generosity of others in order to live.
2. People who rely on begging to obtain food or funds for their daily survival: In Jim's city, a group of mendicants were sleeping under a bridge at night and seeking help from others on the streets during the day .

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2. People who rely on begging to obtain food or funds for their daily survival: In Jim's city, a group of mendicants were sleeping under a bridge at night and seeking help from others on the streets during the day .

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mendicant (adjective), more mendicant, most mendicant
1. A reference to going from door to door and living on money given by strangers: Since Henry lost his job and hasn't been able to find another one, he has been existing by being a mendicant man.
2. Etymology: from Latin mendicantem (nominative, mendicans), "beggar" present participle of mendicare, "to beg"; from mendicus, "beggar"; originally, "cripple" (connection with "cripples who beg"); from menda, "fault, physical defect".
2. Etymology: from Latin mendicantem (nominative, mendicans), "beggar" present participle of mendicare, "to beg"; from mendicus, "beggar"; originally, "cripple" (connection with "cripples who beg"); from menda, "fault, physical defect".
An earlier form in Middle English was mendinant (1362), from Old French mendinant, present participle of mendiner, "to beg"; from Latin mendicantem, "begging".
Members of those religious orders, which originally by vow of poverty, renounced all proprietorship or ownership of material things, not only individually but also (and in this, differing from the monks) in common, relying for support on their own work and on the charity of the faithful: Mendicant Friars are also known as "begging friars" because they often ask people for donations of money.
Religious organizations which depend directly on the charity of the people for their livelihood: In principle, mendicant orders do not own property, neither individually nor collectively, because they have taken a vow of poverty; so all of their time and energy can be concentrated on religious work.
mendicate (MEN di kayt") (verb), mendicates; mendicated; mendicating
To plead with others for financial contributions: There are those who mendicate by asking for a donation of money or they may even play musical instruments in hopes that passers-by will donate some cash in a container; such as, a hat or bowl), that is in front of them.
The act or practice of asking people for money or help: With so much damage done by fierce weather conditions in many parts of the world, there are thousands of people who are pleading for mendications of food, water, clothing, and shelters.
1. The practice of pleading for monetary revenue or assistance: As economic conditions get worse, there are more individuals who are depending on mendicity for survival as seen in cities and smaller towns.
2. The life of a beggar: Living in mendicity often means spending nights sleeping under overpasses, in doorways, alleyways, or any place he or she can find shelter.

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2. The life of a beggar: Living in mendicity often means spending nights sleeping under overpasses, in doorways, alleyways, or any place he or she can find shelter.
Some metropolitan areas provide special places for people existing in mendicities to sleep so they don't have to be in front of buildings or stores during the night.
3. Etymology: from Latin mendicitas, "beggary"; from mendicare, "to beg".
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